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The only one female head of Ii family, Naotora, is an ancestor of the director of this museum. She was chosen for a main character of the next NHK history drama series in 2017.

c)Kyoto II museum all rights reserved.

*All photograph, texts, etc. belong to Kyoto II museum and forbids reproducing without notice.

*About the photographs publication of the deposition product from an outsider in this site, we are entrusted with the measures collectively. 

I prohibit unauthorized use and reproduction.

* In this site, most of date are entrusted with for investigation by the outside except date written as "possession of Ii museum"

It seems that the photograph of the deposition article on this site etc. is diverted to some other purpose without notice, and there are those who use for fictitious dealing. Be careful enough in the case of dealings on the Internet.


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